Post #40: Honoring The Community

We have got a global pandemic on our hands with COVID-19 going around. Everyone is in quarantine to keep safe and avoid catching the virus. However, there are some people still working to keep others safe by risking their own safety. I have written a tribute to a few essential workers like Healthcare Providers, First Responders, Grocery Store Workers for putting their own lives at risk to make life a little bit more manageable for the others. A special thanks to members of the community working on the side lines to keep the framework operating, like IT staff worldwide and people supporting from home by providing PPE for those on the front line. Thank you to you all!!

To healthcare providers: In the light of the crisis that has befallen us, I understand that all your hospitals are flooded with COVID-19 patients. I understand that scientists are trying desperately to find a cure, though they haven’t yet. I’d like to thank you for taking care of us in this virus outbreak, and spending sleepless nights to try and keep patients alive. Keep up the great work, we really appreciate all your efforts. Please keep up safe and protect us from the Coronavirus so that we may live healthy lives and achieve great things.

To first responders: Your job is very important, being the first to the scene of any crime or if a person is sick or injured. What with Coronavirus going on, you have just gotten another dose of work. With sick patients everywhere, you are needed everywhere and sometimes it is a lot of stress. You sacrifice your own health and safety just to be there on time so that others can remain healthy and safe. I would like to thank you for the amazing job you are doing and to keep at it! Please continue to look after us so that we can survive this pandemic.

To grocery store workers: Thanks to you grocery store workers, us civilians can buy food to sustain ourselves. Everyone is working home because of the Coronavirus (or not working at all), but you still have to go to work for us survive. If a sick person comes into your store and touches something, you guys are going to be one of the first to get sick. You are putting your life on the line just to keep us alive, and that is one noble task. You are also sanitizing all of your shops to make sure that newcomers also don’t get sick. Please continue with all your hard work. It’s thanks to you that we can stay safe in these troubling times so that we can go back to normal once the threat of the virus goes away.

To the caring members of our community: When the government doesn’t have enough PPE for the doctors, here you are making masks for them until proper surgical ones come in. Your care really shows. It’s because of you that our doctors are able to take care of COVID-19 without as much risk of getting sick. And on behalf of everyone, I want to say thank you. Please keep it up. You prove that anyone can make a difference.

To IT staff: With the Coronavirus going around, everyone has been put into quarantine, and our lives have become more reliant on technology than ever. Without your hard work, children will not be able to learn and continue to work on the school curriculum, and people would not be able to work from home. Without you, our lives would have come to a sudden halt, and after this threat is over, we would have had a very difficult time getting back on our feet. You are the people behind the scenes whose hard work has helped us make our lives a bit more amenable in this pandemic. A very special thanks to you. I don’t know where we would be without you.

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