Post #53: An Introduction to the Revolutionary World of the Automobile

Electric Vehicles Series (Part 3)

Imagine a planet without any pollution. Where the air is forever fresh, and the water as clear as glass. The typical Earth. An utopia. But is it possible? Is it possible to even imagine it? Or is this planet too corrupt? Even more, is it possible to turn the thought into a reality? Maybe… step by step. In order to address this catastrophe, we will take a look at one of the many causes of anthropogenic pollution – the automobile.

Post #52: The Electric Vehicle

Electrical Vehicles Series (Part 2)

Electricity is pretty interesting. It powers many things that we use in our everyday lives. But one notable, yet wildly overlooked such instrument is the electric car. The majority of the population uses gasoline-powered vehicles, not electric cars. So why have I decided to look into this form of transportation?