Post #15: Monera – A Kingdom In A Box Assignment

Monera - A Kingdom In A Box

Prepare to learn about a kingdom other than our own!! This is my Kingdom In A Box presentation I did for Science. I hope you learn something new about the fabulous kingdom Monera!!


 Good afternoon everybody!! My name is Ishita Jain, and today I will be presenting to you my shoebox diorama of the kingdom Monera. Inside my box here, I have created an autumn theme and magnified some monera that would live here on a daily basis. Now what makes the kingdom Monera different from the other four kingdoms? Well, Monera is just another word for bacteria and bacteria are the only living organisms that don’t actually have a true nucleus! Monera live everywhere, on you, on your desks on all of nature… in fact, without bacteria, life would cease to exist.

Monera plays a very important role in our diverse ecosystems and it comes in many different shapes and sizes. Speaking of which, let’s look at some types of monera that I have created in my diorama. See these green blobs? These are ‘Cyanophyta’. Cyanophyta are terrestrial meaning they can live on everything natural. Cyanophyta is basically made up of blue-green algae. Since they lack a nucleus, they are more closely related to bacteria then they are to algae, but like regular algae, they do contain chlorophyll meaning they can photosynthesize. Moving on, let’s take a look at Eubacteria. See those rod like shaped monera? That is ‘Eubacteria’. Eubacteria live on everything. Right now they are all over you and me and are in the water you drink. Coincidentally, they are the most common kind of bacteria. Now Eubacteria can be spiral shaped, sphere shaped and rod shaped but I decided to do the rod one. Eubacteria can be split into 2 groups; Gram positive and gram negative. Gram positive is good for you while gram negative is the opposite, it can be deadly to you. Now not all Monera live on the ground like how we learned that Lactobacillus lives in yogurt and Rhizobium live in beans. On the side of the box there are are a kind of bacteria called ‘Spirochaetes’. As you might have noticed, that like the name, these kind of bacteria are shaped like spirals. Spirochaetes live inside your body. Some spirochaetes can be good for your body, while others are the bacteria that give you harmful diseases such as Lyme disease.

The kingdom Monera itself has lots of biodiversity being the largest kingdom of the 5. In fact, the topic is so huge, it can outnumber all other kingdoms combined and you can even classify it into a tree diagram!! You might be surprised to hear that just one handful of soil has more monera then the amount of people that have ever lived on the Earth!! Now how is there so much bacteria on the earth?? Well bacteria reproduce very quickly and double their whole population in under 15 minutes!! Monera are a single-celled beauty that is everywhere even though we don’t even acknowledge their existence and without Monera, there would be no such thing as humanity. Thank you for listening to my presentation. 

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