Post #59: Let It Glow

Let It Glow

Usually when we think of art, we think of a drawing on paper, made with traditional mediums such as pencil, pen and paint. However, art is MUCH more than that. Artistic creativity can be expressed in many untraditional ways. In this post, I have created a piece of art where nature is my canvas, and instead of using ink, I used interesting items I could find right outside my house.

This piece is a visual representation of an idea. Or, to be more accurate, the most common symbol for an idea: a lightbulb!

The base began with a few pinecones of various sizes. Then came the outline of the lightbulb, with stark purple flowers (Purple Salvia) to contrast against the gray background of the cement & stone. The inside of the bulb was filled with lush pink flowers, resembling the shape of small broccoli (Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’). These added life to the image and gave the lightbulb a near-tangible form, as well as a spark of colour! In the bottom center, I added a large flower which was bright white with yellow and pink tints (Limelight ‘Panicle Hydrangea’), to represent the filament, the illumatory centre of the lightbulb. 

Despite all this, something was missing. Something that was required to hold the piece together and give it a complete look… 

That’s where the red flowers came in (Red Salvia). Placed around the outside of the lightbulb and right on top of the ‘filament,’ these flowers provided vibrance, and stood out against the paler colours. They represented the light pouring forth from the lightbulb, giving the piece a sense of implied movement. It was the finishing touch and the very thing that made the lightbulb glow. 


Art is subjective, and it’s up to the beholder to form their own opinion. Art isn’t restricted to any form or medium – it is the artist’s subjective representation of thought, best brought to life. The mediums used to create art doesn’t dictate how good it can look; the feeling and the flow does. Just like music, art can invoke a variety of emotions, and I hope that this little piece of my creativity is able to shine a light for you.

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