Post #8: Mistakes, Oops! But They Help Our Brains Grow!!!

Mistakes - Oops! But They Help Our Brains Grow!!!

This post is about what I have learned in math about our brains. What you are going to learn from this post is going to amaze you… your brain grows when you make a mistake!! Read on and learn more!!!!!


Have you ever been in that situation, say, when doing a math problem, where you feel that “Oh, this is too hard,” or “I keep making mistakes! I am never going to get this,” or even “I am just not a ‘math person,’”? Well, what you think isn’t true.

Scientists have discovered that when we make mistakes, even when we aren’t aware of it, our brain grows. Synapses (the bridges between nerve cells, which help send messages between neurons via neurotransmission) get activated in the brain and we think hard, which is good for us. Our brain is like a muscle, the more you exercise it, the better it becomes. So you should never give up on a math problem or any other problem for that matter! Instead, you should work through it and keep finding different ways to get a path to the solution. In the end, you will get it right.

As for the “I am just not a ‘math person,’” there is no such thing as math people. Everyone’s brains can grow and very fast. If your classmate seems to be smarter than you, that is just because of his or her experiences. You can easily catch up with them or even surpass them just by doing your best and trying harder. Never get discouraged and keep telling yourself “I can do this.” Growing up, I have learned by the quote, which my mother has taught me, “I can do this, I will do this and I will show the world I can!”

If your still not convinced that your smart, then listen to this. Thomas Edison, the famous inventor, the man who invented the light bulb, used to do horrible at school. His teachers told him he will never be anything in life. Yet here he is, one of the most famous people in history, and he said: “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.”💡

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