Post #5: Our Universe

Our Universe

I have always been fascinated by the wonders or the universe since I was a little kid. I have read so many books about it, that I wanted to share with you my knowledge of the universe. Here is my first informational post!!!


Everyday of our lives, we eat, we work, we relax and we sleep. Yet we don’t really have the time to doze off into intriguing questions ourselves. Have you ever thought about the land we live in? Far beyond our cities and countries there is another place…some place that only 50% of us is interested in. Have you ever thought about how small we are in comparison to this place? I will give you a hint. We are even smaller than a germ!!! You must be wondering what this place is. Believe it or not, I am going to talk about our universe.

The Earth is one of zillions of planets. In our galaxy, the “Milky Way” there are solar systems. Our solar system consists of 8 planets, their moons, the sun, other stars and dwarf planets like Pluto. We also have comets and asteroids. The order of the planets from closest to the sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Mercury is the smallest planet, yet rotates the fastest. Venus is the hottest planet because it has thick clouds that trap heat. It is one of the brightest things in the Earth’s night sky…

Earth, is the only planet with life. It is blue, white and green and has 1 moon. Mars was named after the Roman god of war. It has lots of volcanoes and many of Earth’s rovers rome on it. Mars has 2 moons. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System. All the other 8 planets can fit in Jupiter. Jupiter also has a huge roaring storm called the great red spot. It has been raging for more than 300 years and 2 Earths can fit inside it. Jupiter onward are the gas giants (biggest). Jupiter has 67 moons. Saturn has lots of rings. It has 62 moons one of which has a planet like atmosphere. Uranus’s moons are so unique they are named by the name of actors in Shakespeare. Uranus has 27 moons. It is the 3rd gas giant. Neptune is the coldest planet. It has 14 moons. It is very blue.

Now that I have told you about our planets, I just want to tell you how our universe started. Zillions of years ago, there was nothing. No universe. Until a fiasco called “The Big Bang”. It started our universe and it has been growing ever since. Scientists even think that there might be a multiverse (universe plural). There are also ways the universe might end(deep in the future). So remember this. Always give yourself time to think, then discover. 🌠

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